Templeton Group
Templeton Group is an ambitious developer of places that suit people, their families and aspirations.
Our in-depth experience, attention to detail, ideas for how to turn property into places for people and our passionate team means we are one of New Zealand's largest and strongest property developers.
Templeton's vision is one where people's dreams and aspirations for property are put first.
We build places for people, and our vision recognises the individuality of people.
Templeton's development vision, whether it is a 5-star hotel, an apartment complex, a master-planned community or an individual home is always carefully narrated, planned and executed with an attention to detail that is rarely seen in the property world.
We carry very closely to us our ethos of working and delivering to the very highest standards while never forgetting that we are creating places for people. It is people, their loved ones, their families which we believe in, so they can and will create new memories today, tomorrow and into the future.
Templeton Group, we are about people. And we carry with pride our responsibility to provide a better future for all New Zealanders. And we'd love you to become part of our family, the Templeton family.